
Mail Forwarding Services & Resources

Published by US Global Mail, the expert in mail forwarding.



Why Expats NEED Mail Forwarding

Living abroad might sound all wonderful at first.  You and your family feel all excited about that life-changing experience…
Until one question comes up: “How am I going to get all the bills, bank statements, tax notices, etc when overseas?
You don’t even have a new address yet. 
Voila! You got a problem. A seemingly small but serious problem.

Continue reading “Why Expats NEED Mail Forwarding”

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Mail Forwarding, You, and Security

Committing to work with a mail forwarding company can be a big risk to take. You are putting your trust into complete and total strangers, hoping your mail is safe and secure. Checks, IRS statements, family Christmas cards, Grandma’s birthday card with a crisp $20 bill, literally everything will now be going to the hands of someone else! That can be a bit daunting, to say the least. So exactly how secure is mail forwarding? Why do you have to provide so much information just to get your mail? How do you know that your mail is safe and only accessible by you? What measures does the mail forwarding team take to ensure the confidentiality of your personal mail? Continue reading “Mail Forwarding, You, and Security”

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